RegulationSeveral countries have already asked themselves how to maximize safety in the flight of RPAs (also known as “drones” in common language) and how to...
Filter Blogs By Blogger : AIRK Drones
Last weekend, during June 11 and 12, Airk took part at the Drons ‘N Roses festival, which took place at Roses (Girona), at the “Ciutadella” of the town.
The media refer to them in many different ways: drone, UAV, RPAS, drones… sometimes, several names are even used in the same article to refer to the same...
Last month, we analyzed the different acronyms and designations we can use to refer to drones, and all the differences between them: from UAV to UCAV, RPA or...
Summer is here, and with it, for many of us, holiday trips and journeys. But for drone amateurs, this fact raises an important issue:
What do I have to do...