AIRK drones: first-class components

AIRK is building the chassis, which has very light arms –barely 53 grams–, and PCB boards covered with electrolytic gold. This allows a higher conductivity, reduces the working temperature and prevents overheating.
From the smallest models (Quadcopter FC4 and Hexacopter FC6) until 8-engine Octocopter FC8 and OctoQuad FC4r, FireClouds drones by AIRK are assembled with first-class components.
A drone is made out of five kits of components: drive system, control system, communication system, battery and chassis. In designing the FireClouds kits, the final choice was to include a combination of items produced by AIRK and items produced by different top brands.
AIRK is building the chassis, which has very light arms –barely 53 grams–, and PCB boards covered with electrolytic gold. This allows a higher conductivity, reduces the working temperature and prevents overheating.
The drones are manufactured in nylon reinforced with fiberglass in the arms, a material that combines lightness with great resistance and higher vibration absorption, and therefore, a greater stabilization of the multicopter.
“Besides, we have added ledges around the board, which allows knowing the geometrical center of the drone, and a more steady flight. And having a better weight compensation, we can reach a higher flight range”, points out David Matanzas, CEO of the company.
“We have incorporated the assembly guidelines on the boards of the drone, and indicated each engine’s number. Besides, on the upper board we have added logos in different colors in order to differentiate the front and the rear part. The engine’s sense of rotation is also indicated, which allows managing the tuning and the flight’s prior check very easily”, he adds.
Regarding the rest of the components, after testing a very high number of them, the final choice was as it follows:
- High performance T-Motor engines, with self-locking propellers system through screwing in the same motor.
- Tattu GemsPow batteries, originally German, with great discharge efficiency and very good reaction to the discharge peaks caused by high accelerations. Besides, its life cycles are up to 30-40% higher than other brands’, thanks to the quality and pureness of the lithium polymer they are made of.
- Graupner MZ-24 and MZ-18 radios, also originally German, with a very suitable setting for AIRK devices and a very clean signal (the signal is perfect at the 500m allowed by law, and the reach is up to 4 km). It was named best radio in the world in 2015.
As for the flight controllers, two options are being considered: Minix xAircraft, and X6 by BigFlyShark. Both are showing very good performance and include autonomous landing and GPS, being able to get back to the departure point. A third flight controller, Pixhawk, which allows setting and making Waypoints tracks from Google Maps, will be provided on-demand.
Finally, the selected screws are airworthiness certificated for commercial aircrafts.
Crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter
In order to build the first units of the FC8 and the FC4r models, AIRK has started a crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter platform.
With this system, you can choose the precise amount you can bring to the project, and contributions will only become effective when the project is launched. Also, depending on the size of the contribution, the sponsors will have an up to 20% discount when buying a drone.
Check more information about the campaign
About AIRK
Established as a company in October 2015, the AIRK project started in fact in summer 2013, with David Matanzas’ final project in Industrial Design Engineering.
After a phase of redesign and adjusting, the support of the business accelerator Yuzz from Sant Cugat City Council, the introduction of a business experienced partner, Miguel Suárez, by the end of 2014, and a first investment of 100,000 € for development, AIRK is already a reality.